Monday, January 10, 2011

The "No More FB!" Resolution...with a twist

Considering that one of my new year's resolutions was to spend less time on Facebook, it may seem a bit counter-intuitive to be starting a blog.  But what are the flaws with FB?  In my opinion, it is the fleeting and useless scraps of information that are just thrown out there.  It is the superficial relationships that at one time in our history were based on something real and tangible.  It is the giant sucking sound that drones in my ear when I realize that I have spent 20 minutes putzing around FB, precious time that I could be using to read, work out, clean, paint, you name it.  (Spending time with kids isn't on that list because I only check FB when they are asleep or not around).   It has reached a point where commenting on cute baby photos is just too much work, a thumbs-up "like" button is the lazy option on engagement

Despite my gripes, I'm actually a big fan of FB, it helped me connect with childhood friends, this past fall, we all planned a 25 year reunion in Budapest, where we all went to school.  It was incredible to see everyone again, and to walk around a city that I'm so madly in love with, with people that had the same, life-changing, powerful memories that I had of going to tiny American school in a communist country at the height of the Cold War.  So yes, that was amazing.  I will not discount that experience.  But I'm seeking a more meaningful way to engage online that reflects my intentional, and passionate values.   Thoughts on raising children, musings on the environment and nature, reflections on art and local happenings, observations on life in Maine.  I hope you join me!

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